Call for Papers Canadian Journal of Indigenous Studies Second Edition


Proposal submission deadline: January 7, 2025
Decision date: March 30, 2025
Publication issue: June, 2025 

Canadian Journal of Indigenous Studies (CJIS) is announcing a Call for Papers for the second issue. The issues will include following series sections: scholarly articles, Indigenous stories and language, artistic practices, current topics and book reviews. 

Indigenous Studies actualizes the destruction, interrogation, exposure, and creation of knowledge through interdisciplinary exploration (Kulchyski, 2000; LaRocque, 2010). Recognizing the need for fluid understanding of individual nations’ ways of being demands that CJIS be flexible enough to include all voices, all fields, all ways of knowing. Even though debate has run rampant since the founding of Indigenous Studies in the 1970s, with some demanding hard and fast rules and a clear trajectory for the discipline, its fluidity serves Indigenous people, the institutions, and the scholars that engage in it. At CJIS we aim to lift up the voices and research of Indigenous scholarship embracing the fluidity and allowing space for all ways of knowing to flourish. 

Our preference is to publish Indigenous scholarship and scholarship that assists emerging Indigenous scholars to raise their research profile through co-authoring papers with known scholars. 

CJIS aims to provide an open access journal to increase the visibility and impact of Indigenous scholarship both in the academy and beyond. Increasing public engagement, citation, and usage while being inclusive of our Indigenous communities.  

CJIS Policies


Scholarly Articles

We welcome scholarly articles from any discipline that must be accompanied by an abstract (100 words maximum). 

Style and length: Manuscripts should be formatted in the appropriate referencing style for your discipline (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago) and be a maximum of 8,000 words. 

Anonymous Review: All submissions will undergo a double peer review. The authors must delete their names from the text. This includes the reference list and footnotes, where "Author" and year, instead of the authors' names, publication title, etc. should be used to cite any publications written by the authors themselves. Author identification should also be removed from the file properties.

Indigenous Peoples Stories and Language Feature

We invite stories that celebrate good work led by Indigenous peoples. Stories may take the form of news-like articles about community members and/or projects or short stories that center Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing. Stories profiling the work of others should include the contact information of both the author and the individual or group being celebrated.

Each story submission should be a maximum of 1500 words and must be accompanied by an author biography (100 words) and a community connection statement (200 words). 

Artistic Practices Visual Culture 

We welcome submissions relating to visual culture, which can include critical reviews (visual art, performance, exhibition, film) to a maximum of 1500 words, or art images, performance documentation or film stills, with an artist statement (maximum 150 words).

Submissions in this section must be accompanied by an author bibliography (100 words) and community connection statement (200 words). 

Combined visual files should not exceed 4GB. Image files (up to 10 images may be submitted) should be in JPEG format, RGB colour mode, and be no larger than 1.5 MB. Please name your file: 01filename. For example: 01janedoe


We invite established and emerging poets to submit and ask that poems be completed upon submission.

Poetry submitted to CJIS must be accompanied by an author biography (100 words) and community connection statement (200 words).

Current Topics

We welcome contemporary topics articles from any discipline that must be accompanied by an abstract (100 words maximum). Topics to be explored could include pretendians, identity fraud, Bill C-53, etc. 

Style and length: Manuscripts should be formatted in the appropriate referencing style for your discipline (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago) and be a maximum of 4,000 words. 

Anonymous Review: All submissions will undergo a double peer review. The authors must delete their names from the text. This includes the reference list and footnotes, where "Author" and year, instead of the authors' names, publication title, etc. should be used to cite any publications written by the authors themselves. Author identification should also be removed from the file properties.

Book Reviews

We invite reviews of books on Indigenous topics relevant to developments in Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing. Book reviews should be a maximum of 1500 words and include a summary of the book's information, a concise overview of themes, and a critical analysis of the significance of the work. 

Submissions should include an author biography (100 words) and a community connection statement (200 words).

For submissions