About the Journal

Indigenous Studies actualizes the destruction, interrogation, exposure, and creation of knowledge through interdisciplinary exploration (Kulchyski, 2000; LaRocque, 2010). Recognizing the need for a fluid understanding of individual nations’ ways of being demands that CJIS be flexible enough to include all voices, all fields, and all ways of knowing. Even though debate has run rampant since the founding of Indigenous Studies in the 1970s, with some demanding hard and fast rules and a clear trajectory for the discipline, its fluidity serves Indigenous people, the institutions, and the scholars that engage in it. At CJIS, we aim to lift up the voices and research of Indigenous scholarship, embracing the fluidity and allowing space for all ways of knowing to flourish. 

Our preference is to publish Indigenous scholarship or work that assists emerging Indigenous scholars in raising their research profile through co-authoring papers with known scholars. 

CJIS aims to provide an open-access journal to increase the visibility and impact of Indigenous scholarship in the academy and beyond. Increasing public engagement, citation, and usage while being inclusive of our Indigenous communities.